
159 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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This is fresh shit man!

This is sweet ass shit, but the beat could be something so much fatter, so much more bad ass. Hitch up the drums, get some growling bass in there, or if that ain't your shit, some old school rhythm n blues samples beef up the tune, give me something i wanna swag it too, not this cool but ultimately tame beat. Nah, its a helluva riff, no messin, but that's not all there is to the art of hip hop. I could give more specific advice on beat making to Zu, just some core ass useful shit specifically if you wanna PM me.

However, the vocals are sweet asss some nice double recordings, give the vocals some real fucking momentum. A lot of lyrical talent and vocal skill, no mistake. For that I'll give you 4 and an 8, mostly for the serious vocal prowess right here.

If youd upload the vocals, I'd be bare joyous with remixing this shit.

8 & 10
Love & peace

DominickTheRenegade responds:

thanx for tha review homie i appreciate it for the good criticism, theres alot of haters on here that just hate and downgrade shit for no reason. good look on tha feedback i'll talk to my producer of the group who recorded it and zu to see if i can get permission to let me get the vocal track. check out our other song rap game if you get tha chance, i'd like to hear what you would have to say about that track. be coo homie, later

Hey this is nice shit man.

This is really sweet man, almost spiritual. Very mood affecting, which is just a symptom of a great song. The phased string add quite a lot, but I think maybe a well filtered synth might be able to do a better job. V inspiring man. Very nice. Very nice.

Love & peace
5 & 10

Jenni-Harry4eva3 responds:

Well thank you very much :) I've been doing Liquid and Intelligent for quite a while... I just find that it gives an entirely different mood and I find it more appealing, but thanks!

Nice shit man!

Very nice, although the gunshot at the beginning messes the mix maybe rework the timing, however, the rest is solid shit throughout! How the shit did you regenerate Lejin so well though man? Solid shit.

Love & peace
10 & 5

BxRed responds:

thanx!! gottaa do it for the Fans.. REAL OVER FAKE IS GOIN FAR!!

More work to COme soon ! 2010


99 downloads 1 review?

Methinks not!

Loving the heavy beats, the claustrophobic atmosphere, theres so much! Its so filling, and yet so heavy. Can I ask to make it longer and mess with the texture a bit, use some more leads, just more more FUCKING MORE!!!!!! ^.^

I loved the way you glitched the beat, was it an audio file or a midi input? I enjoyed the use of atmospherics very much, keep on with that kinda shit man!

Loved it v much, but theres not that much to sink your teeth into!

Love & peace!

yotipo91 responds:

This was actually for a contest and I just created the percussion. In the Author Comments section you can find a link to the original. I wasn't gonna make it longer than the melody that was given, but I appreciate your feedback! The concept I had for this little piece was to make what short a time frame I had to work around sound full and complete and I find that the way I sliced and sampled worked well. 1.5 years since I made this guy!

Hmmm, I'd call it very emotive certainly...

... however I got the image of sitting over a large body of water in the rain inside a lush forest. Ive been getting that kind of thing a lot recently... <freudian analysis> </freudian analysis>

The harmony is lovely, and the dynamics bring contrast which is essential to the piano part as it plays a pedal throughout. However, the sustain (which also works beautifully and is coincedentally very good at creating an image of water for me) seems to be jarring towards the beginning. Have you considered maybe a bit of a run upwards into change into the sub dominant key for a while? It would create a strong modal feel I think would work with this song. Just a thought.

floccari responds:

Hmmm, I am a fan of modalism. It's funny you mention the hovering over the water thing. You're not the first person to say that. There must be something in that resonating atmosphere that conveys that image. Thanks for the review!

Oh sweet as man!

The bass was really strong, and the sweet as hollow vibe was only helped by the gap between the treble synths and the thick bass, leaving me hungry, and thus still listening. TBH, the highlight of the song was the rave synth which kicked in at 1:54. I'd defo be interested in hearing it again. The constant riffing kept the song fresh, and the panning attack bass was in a league ofn its own back there.

The constant modding, the vibestyler feel and the relentless movement whilst maintaining the same motifs was all great. One thing I would say is if you put the rave synth in stereo then it'd make NGers around the globe jizz their pants!

Vibestyler responds:


Jesus fucking Christ!

I open a few dance songs randomly and I find this! I count myself V lucky! It gawjuz man! maybe work on the bounce to prevent the distortion I'm getting, but maybe I need some subwoofers! This is awesome man the gated synths the uber hardcore feel, everything! It has such an awesome crescendo up to 2:57, really orgasmic although maybe take out the break, real merciless.

I really love the sound of the kits your getting. One thing though: maybe put in a few break to spice things up properly, like you get quite a nice slow attack bass drum sound, and if you were to turn that up like a bitch, and cut everything else for like half a bar and just put in some random glitching, man, I don't even know.

This shows some really strong feels, the bass especially is just vint' hard core, I actually reckon this is on the level of the big league Hardcore Reborn shit. Oh maybe stick an automated filter moving down 1:17 moving up 1:19 -, but apart from that I got no creative crit man. This is sweet as.

10 & 5
Love and peace.


djInTheDark responds:

Thanx dude, oh and believe me its not your speakers, its the song. I'm still currently working on the EQing of this song, almost done. Its has been a bitch as far getting the bass to cooperate with the synths and the hi hats. And I agree some of the breaks were unnecessary.

Thanks for the review man, helps a lot!!

Nice man!

This song has a strong trancey feel, and the excess reverb adds a lot to the track. The slow attack atmospherics do a lot for the texture, but you might want to lower the attack on the (ground!) bass while messing with the velocity deepen the bass, and side chain it with the bass drum on beat 1 & 3 while keeping the bass drums hit on beat 4. However, this has a strongly original feel, and some really great atmospherics.

Love & Peace.
8 & 5.

SPAZrific responds:

Thanks for your input and comments
I'll keep that in mind :D

Haha very nice!

Ever so slightly cutsie, and incredibly lovable! Does it make my deranged that I only noticed half way through writing the review that I'm beaming like an idiot!? Haha lovely man! Showing some great skill as well maybe strengthen the bass, but this has such a perfect ctusie feel i wouldn't wanna touch it!

Love & peace!

masterfil responds:


Wtf with the low score!?!

Sick man, love the ol skool hi reverb mixed with the v modern messd atmospherics! very nice, but if im going to be honest i cant get addicted to anything riffless, so whilst atmospherics work a slightly glitched feel and the drums just make shit kick ass, I can't spend hours with it on repeat!

Overall, though very nice. Loving the feels your working.

Love and peace!

masterfil responds:

i feel ya man!!

MoonBurn (AKA Can't Catch Me if I'm On Fire) MSN: bassist-in-search-of -groupies@hotmail.co m


Age 30, Male


Watford Boys


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