This is fresh shit man!
This is sweet ass shit, but the beat could be something so much fatter, so much more bad ass. Hitch up the drums, get some growling bass in there, or if that ain't your shit, some old school rhythm n blues samples beef up the tune, give me something i wanna swag it too, not this cool but ultimately tame beat. Nah, its a helluva riff, no messin, but that's not all there is to the art of hip hop. I could give more specific advice on beat making to Zu, just some core ass useful shit specifically if you wanna PM me.
However, the vocals are sweet asss some nice double recordings, give the vocals some real fucking momentum. A lot of lyrical talent and vocal skill, no mistake. For that I'll give you 4 and an 8, mostly for the serious vocal prowess right here.
If youd upload the vocals, I'd be bare joyous with remixing this shit.
8 & 10
Love & peace